Para / Adaptive Group Meeting

30 Sep

British Rowing Adaptive Rowing Strategy summary

The Para/Adaptive Group of Thames Valley and West Midlands adaptive/pararowing coaches (eg. Stratford Upon Avon, Maidenhead, Marlow, City of Oxford, Shrewsbury) got together again this past week to continue their work of coordinating both club activities and resources for maximum effectiveness, as well as consolidating input to British Rowing to maximise impact.

The agenda of the topics discussed was as follows:

  1. Racing in 2020 – Calendar, Proposals etc
  2. Handicap System – objection to its use, etc
  3. Rules of Racing & BROE – further request for change
  4. BR Steering Group – progress, etc
  5. Adaptive Commission – can we/ do we move to a formal role?
  6. How do we get more clubs started with P/A rowing
  7. Review a “Guide to Offering Adaptive Events”
  8. Review a “Guide to Starting/Running Adaptive Sections”
  9. More adaptive participation in Home Countries regatta?
  10. Confirm action points; allocate timescales and responsibility
  11. AOB
  12. Date of next meeting

They were joined by British Rowing’s Director of Innovation Helen Rowbotham who provided a general update as well as shared the initial findings of the recent Adaptive Rowing survey as well as some of the early thinking about strategic priorities that the feedback has driven. The summary slides presented can be found here.

The full minutes of the meeting can be found here.

Any adaptive coach, coordinator, athlete or supported who would like to contribute to the working group is invited to contact Chairperson Mark Dewdney as all help is welcome.

2 Replies to “Para / Adaptive Group Meeting

  1. Pingback: Transitional Rowers – Adaptive Rowing UK

  2. Pingback: Parasport Club of the Month – Stratford Upon Avon – Adaptive Rowing UK

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