Scottish Indoor Rowing Championships 2020

22 Nov

One silver lining to the lock-down is the strides to greater use of online tools enabling more options for training and competing to all rowers, but especially to the adaptive community for whom less racing is available. This weekend, the Scottish Indoor Rowing Championships was the latest event to move their proceedings online and in so doing enable many to participate from well beyond the distant Scottish borders.

The event included Adaptive/Para categories which attracted participants from across the British Isles and overseas. Congratulations to all the participants (see photo above of the Team Time system in action) especially double gold winner Ella Holloway who comes from Scottish stock herself and represented Scotland in the Home International a year ago.

You can watch the racing and the commentary on the recorded stream below:

  • ·Open Ada 200m – 3:19.00
  • W Ada 500m – 8:45.00

2 Replies to “Scottish Indoor Rowing Championships 2020

  1. Pingback: Online Racing – Adaptive Rowing UK

  2. On Saturday t November 2020 the annual Scottish Rowing Indoor Championships (SRIC) went online and provided live, virtual racing – adapting to COVID-19 challenges and providing a competition format for all comers. This new format saw an entirely new challenge facing both the event organisers and competitors alike – which both took in their stride to make the event a huge success for all. We are delighted to introduce 3 additional sessions to the Scottish Rowing Winter Webinar Series with Eira Parry of High Performance Parenting. These sessions are designed for parents of junior rowers, regardless of their performance level or experience in the sport.

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