As highlighted in my post “Welcoming Adaptive Rowers” a wide range of support is available to clubs to assist with any requirements for introducing an adaptive rower to the club. The latest comes from the Community Adaptive Group (CAG) which has organized a library of loaner accessible equipment that clubs can take advantage. This pool of kit allows clubs to try before they buy such equipment to ensure that it solves the issues that they are trying to address.
Below is a summary of the scheme from the CAG Chairperson Mark Dewdney
In the last few months the CAG has received a fantastic donation of unused adaptive kit from the Army RC. Thanks to Rob Cree for facilitating this. For historical reasons, I also have a large stock of currently unused items – all of which is my personal property. None of the equipment is owned by a club. British Rowing has kindly assisted in purchasing spare parts etc. My team at SUABC are in the process of repairing some of the kit.
The items include around 10 fixed seats (Swift, old style Wintech, Draft), reduced length sculls (PR2 & PR1), straps (30), a few stabilisers, ergo clamps, etc, etc. It is all stored at Stratford or in my attic (aka Santa’s Adaptive Grotto).
The scheme is designed to assist clubs to get people started. The normal loan period shall be 6 months or an appropriate period agreed between the borrower and the CAG. It is assumed that the club will purchase its own kit thereafter. The CAG will base its loan strategy on maximum participant benefit.
Please note the scheme is not restricted to English clubs only. It is open to all with a potential need.
English clubs have the option to apply for their own kit via the BR Scheme. Applications are open until 28th March. Unlike last year all claims will be assessed after that date
There will be a conversation between the potential borrower and the CAG prior to any loan. Advice on use including safety considerations will be available.
The borrower will need to sign the loan agreement. Any club/person wishing to utilise the scheme will need, in the first instance, to contact me directly.
The loan request form can be found here. In addition to this formal resource, also be aware that many of the more experienced adaptive clubs with a greater stock of accessibility equipment are often willing to share what they have on a loan basis either for a particular event or for an extended trial period.